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Alastair Griffiths LSICIP what not to accept

This is all about selling your property.

Those pictures on the internet need to catch the viewer’s attention, and quickly. Bad pictures don’t do that.

It is easy to spot the estate agents who take their own pictures rather than using the services of a specialist professional. Check out the examples on this page.

Do not accept -

  1. Wrong height
  2. Sloping walls / doors
  3. Rooms that lean over
  4. Views of just a carpet
  5. Lack of width
  6. Not seeing the full room

Don’t fall into the same trap. Insist on a professional shoot and give yourself the best chance to sell.

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The pictures below relate to a single property on the market with a well known agency in the local area. After two months of inactivity I was commissioned by the owner’s family to supply a replacement set of images for the estate agent to use. These pictures perfectly illustrate why you should insist on professional photography when you sell your property.

Images on the left, taken by the agent, are from a camera using a 3x2 format and my images to the right are taken using a 4x3 format which explains the difference in sizes.

“Great photographs to bring my parent's property to life on rightmove”
